Q&A: Is Pittsburgh Becoming ‘the Plastic City’?

Once a month for nearly two years, Evan Clark, the Waterkeeper at Three Rivers Waterkeeper, a water quality advocacy organization based in Pittsburgh, has traveled by boat along the Ohio River to Shell’s enormous new plastics plant in Beaver County.  This facility is a cracker plant, using ethane from fracked gas to make ethylene and […]

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Kraft Heinz Faces Shareholder Vote On Its ‘Deceptive’ Recycling Labels

California chemical engineer Jan Dell knows from her own research when packages lie. She has seen too many containers stamped with “the chasing arrow” crest—a curvy three-arrow stamp meant to indicate an item can be recycled—tossed or refused by reliable recycling centers.  She’s used electronic trackers to challenge a Houston recycling program, document how plastic […]

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