Q&A: How the Drug War and Energy Transition Are Changing Ecuadorians’ Fight For The Rights of Nature

MINDO, Ecuador—Natalia Greene ducks her head underneath the fronds of a giant fern. It is pitch black in the Chocó Andino cloud forest and Greene is searching for spiders, frogs and other nocturnal creatures.  “Ah, found one!” she shouts, steadying the beam of her flashlight on a sinewy spider.   Greene marvels at the tiny tarantula […]

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Utah Legislature Takes Aim at Rights of Nature Movement

Lawmakers in Utah are advancing legislation aimed at stopping a growing “rights of nature” movement that has coalesced around efforts in the state to save the Great Salt Lake, which is drying up as a combination of climate change, development and agriculture drain on its freshwater sources.  With activists promoting legislation recognizing that the Great […]

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